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Writer's pictureAdrian Miller

For the Pleasure of Writing

There’s a unique pleasure in writing that’s difficult to describe but unmistakable to those who experience it. It's an art form that combines creativity, expression, and communication, allowing us to share our innermost thoughts and ideas with the world. For me, writing is not just a profession but a passion—something I simply can’t not do.

When I start my content, I follow a process that feels natural and unrestrained: I just write.

I don’t edit myself initially; I let the thoughts flow freely onto the page. This approach might seem chaotic to some, but it’s where the magic happens. The spontaneity of unfiltered writing often leads to the most authentic and engaging pieces. Occasionally, I’ll outline my ideas to give them some structure, but even then, the emphasis is on letting the words come naturally.

The initial phase of writing is exhilarating. There are no constraints, no judgments, just the pure act of putting thoughts into words. This flow of creativity is essential because it captures the essence of what I want to convey without the interference of self-censorship or overthinking. This stage is all about exploring ideas, making connections, and letting my mind wander.

Editing, on the other hand, is a completely different beast. It can take anywhere from an hour to several days, depending on the complexity of the piece and the points I want to make. During this phase, I scrutinize every word, every sentence, and every paragraph. I ask myself if I’m making my points clearly and effectively. This process can be painstaking, but it’s also rewarding. It’s where the rough, raw thoughts are polished into coherent, compelling content.

I love the New York Times columnist, Gail Collins. Her ability to get her points across with warmth and humor is something I greatly admire. Collins’ writing is engaging and relatable, and she tackles serious topics with a light-hearted touch that makes them accessible to a broad audience.

This style of writing—infused with personality and wit—is something I aspire to. While I can’t write for everyone, I respect writers who can adapt to various voices and styles. However, I have no desire to be someone who writes impersonally or tries to be everything to everyone.

My own content is a reflection of my voice, my thoughts, and my perspectives. It’s unique to me, and that’s something I cherish.

For those who love to write as I do, it’s important to embrace your own voice. Don’t try to mold yourself into what you think others expect or want. Writing should be a reflection of who you are. It might not always be perfect, and it might not appeal to everyone, but it will be genuine.

There’s a compelling urge to write that I can’t ignore. Whether I’m writing for clients or business purposes, I find myself drawn to the keyboard, eager to put my thoughts into words. Writing is not just something I do; it’s a part of who I am. It’s a passion that I can’t turn off, even if I wanted to.

For me, the act of writing is about more than just creating content. It’s about exploring ideas, expressing emotions, and connecting with others. It’s a way to make sense of the world and share my perspective with those who might resonate with it. Even if my writing never sees the light of day, the process itself is fulfilling and necessary.

For those who feel the same irresistible urge to write, embrace it, and let your words flow.


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