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Writer's pictureAdrian Miller

Content is King and Queen and Perhaps Bishop, Too

The importance of staying connected, of being visible and recognizable and staying on the radar screen of your clients, prospects and your “tribe” has always been important but, today, in light of the CV 19 pandemic and the total disruption to the business world as we know it, it is even more important.

We KNOW that at some point we will “emerge” from the turmoil that surrounds us today and yes, business will go on.”

But I ask you, will your business go on?

When customers aren’t buying, when referral sources have gone silent, it is even more important to keep your brand relevant.

The companies that dial it back when things are tough find that it is much more difficult and sometimes even impossible to ramp up again once the “challenges” are gone.

So, continue with your email marketing and social media. Send out your newsletter and consider increasing your blog postings. Make certain your message isn’t “tone-deaf” but don’t undermine your brand by pulling back on what you know people want and need, if not at the exact moment, then sometime in the near future.

Share your thoughts and engage your market and you’ll be better positioned for the long haul.


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