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Oh No, It’s THAT Day Already.

By Adrian Miller

It’s amazing how quickly the week rolls by. Seems like one day it is Sunday and then in the next moment it is the following Saturday and you’re about to start all over again.

As for those weekly “deliverables” the days seem to pass by even more quickly.

It’s an immutable fact that blogs must be maintained and without a long gap between postings. The same holds true with newsletters. Once you establish your schedule it must be adhered to lest you start to lose the momentum you’ve worked so hard to build up.

Don’t get me wrong; I know it can be difficult to stay on top of this. For many it is the sheer discipline required for writing. For others it’s the impossibility to attend to writing on top of (other) mission critical work. And of course, for others, it’s the OMG feeling of “now what do I write about.”

I know it well, not personally of course but well because I hear about these issues almost every day from coworkers, clients, networking partners and even the guy down at the dry cleaner that was trying to do some social media posts when I came into his shop.

It can be stressful BUT there’s a solution.

There are others that can pick up the proverbial baton and do the writing for you. I’m not pitching our company but I am pitching the idea that you don’t have to go it alone. Not now, not ever.

Give up the stress and take back the time you need to put against other work. Make it a commitment to outsource your content and start now. Don't wait for 2018. You’ve got many posts due before we turn the page on the calendar. Why wait?

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